Terminating Contracts, Providing Freedom
Contract Cancellation Canada

Empowering You to Negotiate and Exit Contracts Effectively

CCC LTD has been helping Canadians consult contracts that seem impossible to shake. We take pride in being the leading consulting firm directed towards providing our customers with personalized services.

About Us

We take pride in being one of the top consulting firms to help our customers renege agreements they are un-happy with. Saving them tens of thousands in payments across companies looking to take advantage of homeowners. Whatever it takes, our team will do what we can to ensure your problems turn into tangible solutions.

We’ve helped many customers consult on contracts within a variety of sectors. Our talented staff is available Monday-Friday to ensure that our services are available to you. We are dedicated to providing you with the best service in the industry, and our business record proves that.

We are a full service contract consultation agency. We will come to your home and discuss the solutions available for you. No hassle, no worries, just problem solving.



CCC LTD has been helping Canadians consult contracts that seem impossible to shake. We take pride in being the leading consulting firm directed towards providing our customers with personalized services.

We Are Experts In Contracts Resolution

There are many reasons why you may need to negotiate or terminate a contract. Our team of experts follow all legal guidelines to effectively negotiate contracts in your favor while helping you exit invasive contracts.

Terminating Long-Term Contracts or Contracts Without Defined End Dates

Be aware that termination clauses often entail fees for early termination or cancellation. It’s essential to thoroughly review your contract or seek legal counsel to ensure you understand these terms.

Inability to Fulfill Contract Obligations

Contracts can be terminated if it becomes impossible for one party to fulfill its obligations. This may arise from external factors beyond your control, such as natural disasters or unforeseen circumstances.

Failure of Condition Precedent

Failure to meet contractual obligations by one party may allow the other party to terminate the contract before engagement occurs. This underscores the importance of prompt action in such situations.

Negotiating Contract Amendments

Negotiating the termination of a contract is often the most straightforward approach. Contact the other party to discuss mutually agreeable terms for contract termination, ensuring all agreements are documented in writing.

Utilizing Rescission Clauses or Cancellation Periods

Some contracts include rescission clauses or cancellation periods, allowing parties to return to their pre-contract status. These provisions are commonly found in consumer transactions and should be followed precisely as outlined in the contract.

Written vs. Oral Contracts

Certain contracts must be in writing to be legally enforceable in Michigan, such as sales of goods over a certain value, real estate transactions, marriage contracts, and agreements exceeding one year.

Fraudulent Contracts

Contracts can be terminated if one party engages in fraudulent behavior, such as intentional misrepresentation. However, the fraud must be material and provable to warrant contract termination.

Lack of Capacity to Enter Into Contracts

Individuals lacking the capacity to understand or make decisions, whether due to mental incapacity or intoxication, may terminate contracts they’ve entered into.

Mutual Mistakes in Contracts

Contracts based on mutual mistakes, where both parties were misinformed or did not understand the terms, can be voided. It’s crucial to address such mistakes promptly to avoid further complications.

Do you need help with legally existing a contract?

Our team is dedicated to guiding you through every phase of the process to ensure minimal financial impact and mitigate any legal concerns.



We’ve helped many customers consult on contracts within a variety of sectors. Our talented staff is available Monday-Friday to ensure that our services are available to you. We are dedicated to providing you with the best service in the industry, and our business record proves that.


We are a full service contract consultation agency. We will come to your home and discuss the solutions available for you. No hassle, no worries, just problem solving.


No matter the agreement or the term, we will fight to ensure that you get exactly what you’re looking for out of our services. We have a team of highly skilled consultants servicing all of Ontario.


We take pride in being one of the top consulting firms to help our customers renege agreements they are un-happy with. Saving them tens of thousands in payments across companies looking to take advantage of homeowners.
Whatever it takes, our team will do what we can to ensure your problems turn into tangible solutions.


"I can't thank CCC and their entire staff enough. Ever since I've been a customer, my sleepless nights worrying about my unfair bills are no more. I want to thank you all for giving myself and my family our financial freedom back. I highly recommend your services to anybody that has had similar issues with invasive contracts."

- Steve from Newmarket

My elderly father signed up for a contract from a door to door salesman in July 2012. Without my families knowledge he was paying almost $400 a month for things that weren't essential. We decided to call CCC and within 2 months he is now contract free and I can't thank you enough for the work their team does. You've saved my Dad almost $30,000. Thank you CCC.

- Alex from North York

My husband and I wanted to purchase a water heater when we came to Canada. When we signed up for one we had no idea that we we're over-paying. It wasn't until our neighbor told us at a party that the door to door sales agent came by telling them about water heaters that we realized we signed up for the scam. We decided to call CCC after hearing about their great services from Google reviews. We are now contract free and recommend them to anybody who had similar experiences with bad contracts.

- Maria from Pickering

Speak to a consultant today about how we can help

Our team is dedicated to guiding you through every phase of the process to ensure minimal financial impact and mitigate any legal concerns.



10 Four Seasons Pl,
Etobicoke, ON M9B0A6

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